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chez didi - programmation linux, c, bash et autres



# @author  David BAILLY
# @date    january 2012
# @brief   Launches a serie of script in a specific order, memorizing the id and
# killing them at the end in the same order. In our case all the script are
# placed in folders each one containing a file.


function launch
  echo -e "launching $1..."
  cd $1
  #This is if you want each script to be executed in a different terminal
  #~ incr=0
  #~ gnome-terminal --geometry 80x20+600+0$incr --working-directory="$wd/$1" --title="$1" --command="./ $2 $3 $4 $5 $6" &
  #This is if you want to launch each script in the same terminal
  ./ $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 &
  cd ../
  #For the placement of the different terminals

#saving the ID of already running scripts and bashs
# you need to put the name of your program in the grep to be sure it wont kill
# instances already running at the launch time
ps -A | grep 'promethe\|bpromethe\|' | sort -r | awk '{print $1 " " $4}' > psbeg.tmp

launch cerebellum $1 -S0 $2 $3 -b
sleep 1

launch transitions $1 -S0 $2 $3 -b
sleep 1

launch propriostates $1 -S0 $2 $3
sleep 1

launch striatum $1 -S0 $2 $3 -b
sleep 1

launch sensorimotor $1 -S1 $2 $3 -b
sleep 1

#~ launch vision $1 -S1 $2 $3 -b
#~ sleep 1

launch motor $1 -S1 $2 $3
sleep 1

#This script is launched without & at the end to make sure this script waits the
# end before to do anything
echo -e "debug"
cd debug
./ $1 -W9 $2 $3
cd ..

#saving the ID of all running scripts and bashs
ps -A | grep 'promethe\|bpromethe\|' | sort -r | awk '{print $1 " " $4}' > psend.tmp
#looking for the one belonging to this experiment and saving it for
diff psbeg.tmp psend.tmp | grep 'promethe\|bpromethe\|' >> kill.tmp
#we don't need those anymore
rm -f psbeg.tmp psend.tmp

#Call the script to end all processes
#~ ./


Pour ce script vous aurez besoin de télécharger également

Ce script un peu complexe sert à lancer d'autre script dans un ordre précis en sauvegardant les id des process ainsi lancés. Cela permet à la cloture d'envoyer des messages particulier au process concernés et des les fermer proprement ou encore les tuer si nécessaire.



chez didi - programmation linux, c, bash et autres
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